Class Descriptions

Introduction to Ortho-Bionomy®

Ortho-Bionomy Session

A great introduction to the work, this class covers the history, principles, and methods of Ortho-Bionomy®. Learn various methods to engage the self-corrective reflexes of the body through structural, fluid, and energetic techniques. Cultivate ways to allow the body to respond and increase communication with the whole. This class is part lecture and part hands on practice.

3 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered.

No pre-requisites required.

Structural Releases for the Extremities - Phase 4

Extremities Orthobionomy

Continuing education for bodyworkers, movement educators, and those interested in gentle pain relief therapy. No pre-requisites or bodywork experience necessary.

This class covers the history, philosophy, principles, and methods of Ortho-Bionomy. Participants will learn to feel the body's self-corrective reflexes through hands-on practical skills. This class will focus on fundamental techniques for working with the joints of the extremities. Learn specific hands-on techniques to provide gentle pain relief with clear results.

Massage Therapists--learn how to work with less effort to achieve pain relief for your clients, extending your bodywork career for decades to come.

Yoga, Pilates, and Movement Instructors--learn how to increase range of movement and to create more balanced movement patterns for you and for your students.

Laypeople--learn tangible techniques to create further ease and more balance in your own body, as well as for your friends and family.

16 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered

No pre-requisites required.

Isometrics and Isotonics

Isometrics Orthobionomy

Learn isometric and isotonic techniques for working with inefficient muscular tension patterns as well as underdeveloped muscle tone. Through the use of restraining movement while the muscle is engaged, self-correcting reflexes are stimulated and habitual holding patterns can be released. Muscle tone and joint function can balance to create efficiency and ease of movement. 

16 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered

No pre-requisites required.

Structural Releases for the Spine:

Phase 4

spine orthobionomy

Continuing education for bodyworkers, movement educators, and those interested in gentle pain relief therapy. No pre-requisites or bodywork experience necessary.

This class covers the history, philosophy, principles, and methods of Ortho-Bionomy and provides an overview of the fundamental techniques for working with the spine, pelvis, and ribcage. Learn to feel the body's self-corrective reflexes through hands-on practical skills. Phase Four techniques utilize movement and positions of comfort to facilitate the release of muscular tension and overall stress by stimulating the self-corrective reflexes of the body which help the body create structural alignment and balance from within.

Massage Therapists - Learn how to work with less effort to achieve pain relief for your clients, extending your bodywork career for decades to come.

Yoga, Pilates, and Movement Instructors - Learn how to increase range of movement and to create more balanced movement patterns for you and for your students.

Laypeople - Learn tangible techniques to create further ease and more balance in your own body as well as for your friends and family.

16 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered

No pre-requisites required.

Exploration of Movement Patterns

Movement patterns orthobinoomy

This class develops the technique of exploring patterns of movement passively within a body in order to achieve self-recognition and illicit a client’s self-corrective reflexes. The tangible tools taught in this class can be used to assess movement, provide release, re-educate, or provide integration to the body in relationship to the whole.

16 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered

No pre-requisites required.

Postural Re-Education & Post Techniques

Sand+Dollar Orthobionomy

Learn to evaluate and balance postural habits through hands-on techniques and assessment tools. Learn integrative post techniques to encourage release, deepen awareness, and support stabilization and mobility within the system.

16 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered

Pre-requisite: 14 hours of Phase 4 training or permission from the instructor

Demonstration Skills: Aka--How to Talk About Ortho-Bionomy

Orthobionomy Skills

Learn how to describe, demonstrate, and converse about Ortho-Bionomy to family, friends, and the general public. Practice presenting Ortho-Bionomy in a comprehensible and accurate way to gain confidence and skills for the Lecture Demonstration requirement. Also included are various techniques for managing split focus, speaking to a group, calming anxiety, and constructing the demonstration content and flow.

16 Credit Hours of SOBI offered


Study Groups

Formal study group are tailored specifically to participants’ needs, meeting the student exactly where they are and supporting them in their process. This time is used to review techniques, clarify principles, discuss specific client cases or issues, and have space to dive deeper into areas of interest, concern, or curiosity. Below are a sampling of offerings.

Study Group--Advanced Pelvis - Take a deeper and more layered look at the pelvis and its relationship to the low back and hips from a structural perspective. Learn practical releases for the ilium, pubic bone, coccyx, tensor fascia latae, spiral of the femur, piriformis, and ischial tuberosities. Discover supportive and strengthening exercises for you and your clients. Bring questions and curiosities from your own experiences to receive personal clarity and understanding.

Study Group--Advanced Neck and Shoulders -Because of its versatility and wide range of motion, there are many moving parts to the shoulder girdle that must work in harmony for optimal efficiency. Using a structural and fluid lens, we will learn to layer release techniques of the humerus, clavicle, scapula, and ribs 1-3 for increased communication and ease. In addition, we will explore the relationship of the lungs to the shoulders and neck, learn releases for the sternocleidomastoid and scalenes, and discover new techniques for working with the neck and cranium. Bring your questions and curiosities for added personal understanding.

Study Group-- Upper Extremities - Join us for this interactive study group as we address all your upper extremity questions, review techniques from past classes, learn the shoulder point dance (so fun!), and discover innovative new approaches to work with shoulder issues. We will create space to dive deeper into individual areas of curiosity or challenge. This class is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Study Group - - Review of the Pelvis and Lumbar Spine - The pelvis functions optimally when the clarity of its relationship with the lumbar spine and legs is functional. This class will review positional releases for the lumbar spine, ilium rotation, sacrum, piriformis, psoas, and femur. Movement and self-care exercises will be interwoven for deeper understanding of the connection between each structure. Bring questions and curiosities from your own experiences to receive personal clarity and insight. 

Study Group - - Self Care - Using safe, comfortable positioning and gentle movement exercises, learn to engage the resources within your own body to facilitate greater communication to ease pain and discomfort. Excellent for anyone wishing to relieve pain, create balance, and increase ease of movement in the body. The class is geared toward self-care exercises for the neck, shoulders, lower back, and feet, however individual issues can be addressed. Begin to understand the principles of Ortho-Bionomy to facilitate self-correction and self-healing for a strong, pain-free, and resilient body.

Study Group - - All about the Feet -Our feet are our wonders of architecture, not to mention their brilliance of functionality. Come review some old techniques, learn some new ones, and explore new relationships of connection from the lens of the feet. We will also discuss how to work with plantar fasciosis, bunions, hammer toes, neuropathy, and ankle sprains. Bring all your foot questions!

Study Group - - Jaw, Eyes, Cranium -Learn or review the anatomy of the cranium and explore new relationships for release between these structures. In addition, we will address ways of working with TMJ issues.

Study Group - - Biological Model of Trauma -Ortho-Bionomy has a beautiful capacity to move unresolved trauma through the body without having to replay, relive, or stir up old patterns or memories. Through the understanding of how trauma affects the nervous system and our physiology as a whole, we begin to create a wide depth of compassion and wisdom of how to be in relationship with ease. This study group gives a foundational awareness of the biological model of trauma through lecture and discussion.

More Study Group Topics:

  • Intro to Visceral: Liver, Gallbladder, and Digestive Sphincters

  • Intro to Visceral: Heart, Lungs, and Kidneys

  • Self-Care for the Pelvis and Lower Back

  • Peripersonal Space

  • Electromagnetic Field of the Heart

  • Enteric Nervous System

  • Chapman’s Reflexes Review

  • Phase 5 and the Reflexes

  • Phase 6 Review

  • Strengthening Your Phase 6 Skills

  • Ethics — From the Inside Out

  • Introduction to Cranial — An Ortho-Bionomy Approach

  • Working with Infants and Children — An Ortho-Bionomy Approach

  • All About the Feet

  • Embodying the Endocrine System

  • Exploring the Breath with Diaphragm and Lungs

  • Upper Extremities: A Deeper Dive

  • Lower Extremities: A Deeper Dive

  • Bring your own questions and curiosities

  • Self Care

Practitioner Training

This class is structured to help weave together the pieces of Ortho-Bionomy and synthesize the training experience for each student. Some material that may be covered includes the following: how to structure a session, clarity around starting a practice, discussion around challenging client cases, and clear understanding about communication and boundaries between client and practitioner. Strong support and guidance through the transition of becoming an Ortho-Bionomy practitioner is paramount in these seminars.

16 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered


Fluid Releases and Techniques-Phase 5

Phase 5 Orthobionomy

Phase 5 Ortho-Bionomy is about having a conversation with the tissue on a more subtle level of awareness. Through the practice of observing, following and supporting subtle movement patterns, muscular tension is released, range of motion is increased and pain is reduced. 

  • Refine your subtle palpatory listening skills

  • Clarify your capacity to more clearly track varied aspects of the whole

  • Observe and work with tissue preferences in relationship to structural alignment

  • Reinforce the body’s wisdom instead of the client's storylines

  • Notice and find relationship with mood in the tissue

16 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered

Self-Care for Resilience and Ease 

As bodyworkers, our self care can easily drop to the bottom of the priority list. We can often feel burn out and resentment creep in when we least expect it. Sustainability in our lives and career is possible when we learn to strengthen our relationship to the autonomic nervous system. Learn how to restore and balance the body's nervous system every day, not just on vacation, and increase your capacity for vitality and strength.

What you will learn in this course:

· Restorative postures and breathing techniques to tone and strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system

· The anatomy of stress, anxiety, and the vagus nerve

· To identify how stress manifests in the body and how ease is sensed physiologically

· Techniques to tonify the fluid system, give structural integrity through the skeletal system, and find space through awareness of energetic boundaries

· The physiology of how our body’s systems work together to store and release energy

A little about the modality:

This class teaches an embodied approach to how stress, anxiety, and imbalance manifest in the body and provides tools to understand how to shift these sensations into strength and resilience. The course will include restorative postures, breath exercises, meditation, and vagal nerve awareness exercises. Discussion and lecture will be used to understand the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. Participants will leave with an individually crafted plan to implement these techniques into every day life.

8 Credit Hours of NCBTMB and SOBI offered

Elements of a Successful Practice (Business Practices)

Learn and understand the elements of a successful and sustainable business using Ortho-Bionomy principles with an experienced business owner. With over 20 years of experience as a business owner, Jessica currently manages 12-15 staff members, operates two locations of a fitness and wellness studio, and attracts loyal clients to her Ortho-Bionomy practice. This class gives you accessible steps to market, advertise, and create a thriving business. The class includes eight hours of in class time, seven hours of homework, and a private consultation around your individual business practice needs.

16 Credit Hours of SOBI offered


Phase 6

Phase Six work relates to the energetic communication in and with the body. Participants learn how to recognize and track sensation through the energetic field within themselves and in relationship to their clients. Clear techniques to deepen the Ortho-Bionomy principle of ‘right relationship’ will be developed through work in the energetic realm. In addition, students will learn how the changes at the energetic level affect the emotional and physical space of the body and can add another dimension of unity to the whole.  

16 Credit Hours of SOBI offered


Residential training programs provide participants with the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding of Ortho-Bionomy techniques and principles through an in-depth immersion of five or more days of uninterrupted study. Residentials allow time for learning and personal growth as well as relaxation to facilitate the integration of technique, philosophy, and the embodiment of "Be-ing" rather than "doing."

40 Credit Hours of SOBI offered