Self-Care can easily fall to the bottom of our to-do lists. It is a practice to regularly bring attention and curiosity to our bodies, and deepen into a sense of awe of their brilliance.
This class is crafted to provide various options to cultivate safe and easy ways to practice awareness and presence that are unique to you.
With each class, we will focus on a different part of the body, while bringing it into relationship with the whole. Included will be movement and awareness exercises to help balance the nervous system, support the body’s awareness of comfort, and increase our capacity to self-correct.
You may attend this class live, or receive the recording to view on your own. The recording is available for download for each participant. Options are available to sign up for one class, or the whole four weeks.
March 2--Knees
March 9--Postural Awareness--**Note: This class is a recording only. There is no live class, but the recording will be sent at 10am.
March 16--Eyes and Jaw
March 23--Heart and Lungs
March 30--Psoas
Wednesday, March 2
Wednesday, March 9 **Pre-Recorded Session**
Wednesday, March 16
Wednesday, March 23
Wednesday, March 30
10-11 am Eastern Time
9 - 10 am Central Standard Time
8-9 am Mountain Standard Time
Price $20/single class, $50/all four classes
Prerequisites None
Details: Please have a chair and an area of floor space available. A mat or blanket to lie down on is helpful.