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Repairing Traumatic Injuries to the Biological and Energetic Sense of Self (Online) w/ Ursula Hofer and Jessica Mark

The body creates three distinct mappings of self. These emerge from the brain, heart, and enteric nervous system's experience of the self/world. This course is designed to strengthen each of these mappings - the peripersonal space (PPS), the electromagnetic field of the heart, and the enteric nervous system/gut brain - and thus support the person in finding themselves after trauma. We will study each of these three mapping systems as well as their interrelationships. Using Ortho-Bionomy techniques and principles, we will help facilitate the body to create connections and relationships within each field as well as between them.

The peripersonal space is the buffer zone within arm and leg length of the body. When it engages/comes online, it provides the safety in the body that allows all three fields, the PPS, the heart field, and the gut knowingness to become a powerful integrated network.


Thursday, January 20

Friday, January 21

Thursday, January 27

Thursday, February 3 

Thursday, February 10 12-4pm Eastern time each day.




There will be a 30 min break each day around 2 hours into the class.

Prerequisites: 16 units of Phase 6

Credits Issued: 24 units of SOBI elective credits issued for this class--20 hours are live, and 4 hours are homework between classes.

We do require that you have a practice partner for a portion of the last half of class. We ask that your practice client not be a part of the closing circle. Details on exact times will be provided after registration.