The body creates three distinct mappings of self. These emerge from the brain’s, heart’s and enteric nervous system’s experience of the self/world. This course is designed to strengthen each of these mappings to help the person find themselves again after trauma. We will study each of these 3 mapping systems, focusing especially on peripersonal space (the region within arm and leg reach of the body) which is created from the newly discovered multimodal neuron network of the brain. Emphasis will be placed on being present, listening and noticing if the body can self-correct. We will work in Phase 4/5 and 6, as well as various Reflexes but especially the Ciny Time Reflex. This course will conclude with the interweavings of the three perspectives - brain, heart and gut - into a unified whole.
Thursday-Friday: Feb. 25-26
Thursdays: March 4, 11, and 18, 2021
12-4pm Eastern time each day.
$520--Early Bird (Use Coupon Code: REPAIRING2021 at checkout) Through Feb 3, 2021
There will be a 30 min break each day around 2 hours into the class.
Prerequisites: 16 units of Phase 6
Credits Issued: 24 units of elective credits issued for this class--20 hours are live, and 4 hours are homework between classes.
We do require that you have a practice partner for a portion of the last half of class. We ask that your practice client not be a part of the closing circle. Details on exact times will be provided after registration.