Arthur Lincoln Pauls developed a very effective way of correcting structural imbalances in the cranium. Learn to feel your clients and your own cranium in a 3-D way. Using different cranial holds and the spirals in the three dimensions, learn to help the cranium self-correct so structural movement and balance can be reintroduced.
When working with the cranium it is essential to integrate the changes with the rest of the body, especially the pelvis, the heart and the extremities.
Prerequisites: 16 hours each of Phase 4, 5, and 6
Instructor: Ursula Hofer, Registered Advanced Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy
Co-Teach: Jessica Mark, Registered Advanced Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy
August 28-29, 2023 (Monday-Tuesday)
9:30am– 5:30pm
Santa Fe, New Mexico
16 hours of SOBI credit offered
Early Bird Tuition (before July 24, 2023 with coupon code CRANIAL2023): $325
Regular Tuition: $375
Maximum of 12 students